How to Embrace Courage and Thrive in 2025: Tips for Solopreneurs and Dreamers

'A chance to begin again.' That's what I often think of a new year. A blank slate. New opportunities. But to take advantage of this, instead of falling into default bad habits, we need…Courage.

Are you comfortable? 

A church I used to go to many years ago, had a wonderful slogan:

'To comfort the disturbed, and to disturb the comfortable.'

I think that perfectly sums up the notion that we all need discomfort. It's actually good for us. But of course––like many things in life, we need balance. Too much is not good. 

There's a lot of research around negativity biases, and the idea that we learn more through negativity than we do through stasis or good times. Think of a lion running towards you. That's usually a negative situation which–if you survive!–you will learn from.

Incidentally, the unconventional wisdom to deal with a charging lion is not to run, but to stand your ground and make yourself big. Hopefully none of us ever have to face that, but that is serious courage!

It's all to easy to stay comfortable. Now I don't mean necessarily in a good, positive, healthy situation. Yes, that great when that happens, but it's possible to be 'comfortable' within a negative situation. We can sometimes get lazy and stick with what we know, despite it being less than ideal. It can be hard to get out of our comfort zone. I know this too well!

It's always been easier for me to spread myself too thin and not focus on a few ideas and projects. I'm 'comfortable' with that situation. This is despite knowing that the periods where I've seen most success have been when I'm focusing on a few things, and thus carrying them out to a higher standard. So being courageous in 2025 for me, will be to focus on a few projects and be disciplined. It won't be easy, but not much in life worth doing is easy.

How to be courageous? 

So how can Courage help you as a solopreneur, or someone working on their own in 2025? Here's five ways that you can think about or implement straight away.

1. Take calculated risks 🧑🏾‍🚀

Do you believe in teleportation? You know, the idea that a human (or object) can be transported from one place to another. Think, the transporter from Start Trek. Matter is essentially disassembled and converted into energy, then transmitted and reassembled at the other end.

I am going somewhere with this, honest!

A while back I listened to a fascinating podcast in which the interviewee, who was a tech startup investor, was saying that too many people (and he was specifically talking to Christians––but it applies wider) are way too risk averse when it comes to investing in new technology. (Annoyingly I can't find the episode link, but I'll add it in when I do.) 

With the teleportation idea, he went on to say that in the bible, you could argue teleportation is how Jesus appeared (materialised) in a room full of many of His followers––despite the door being locked.

Now, you may be reading this and not even believe the bible, or that Jesus even existed, let alone rose from the dead and effectively 'teleported' into a room with others. I get that. Though I do encourage you to look at the evidence and make your own mind up!

Regardless, it takes courage to take bold decisions on something that everyone around you might not believe in. What would it look like if people knew you invested in a teleportation technology because it must be possible–as Jesus did it?

Now not many people are thinking of teleportation investment! It will no doubt be a different issue for you. A new product or service you want to launch. A complete pivot of your business that sets you apart from others–and that you don't have any guarantee that it will even work. What's it for you?

Well, let 2025 be a year of courage for you. A year in which you can let go of other peoples' opinions, do your research, take a calculated risk and go for it.

2. React positively to criticism

A phrase that has kept coming back to me over recent years with various things that have happened both globally and personally, is this: 

"It's not the events in life that shape us, but our reaction to it."

I love that statement, as it's so true. The reality of life is that we will have trouble. Jesus Christ said this Himself 'In this world you will have trouble.' That is a given. BUT, how we react to the situations we face can have a huge defining factor on the outcome. I sometimes look at it as the difference between having a victim mentality, and a victorious one. What do I mean by this?

I'm sure you know people for whom everything happens TO them. Nothing is their fault. They are the victim.

A perfect example of this is from the recent US elections where the campaign team of Kamala Harris, one of the presidential candidates, were interviewed and asked what were the reasons for her failure to win. Their response gave little to no criticism of their leader. It was always the circumstances; Joe Biden pulling out so late, the economy, the right wing podcast media, the fact she was a woman, that she was non-white, etc. She was often portrayed as the victim.

Unless we can react positively to criticism and take responsibility for our actions, we won’t move forwards. For this we need courage.

In complete contrast, remember the image of Donald Trump, rising up, fist in the air, literally after his near death experience of being shot at! He didn't care what people thought. It was instinctive. Mark Zuckerberg, of all people–who was not exactly the biggest fan of the Donald Trump at the time, summed it up best:

"Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most bada-- things I’ve ever seen in my life."

I don't know about you, but that's the kind of courage I'd like to display. When things take a turn for the worst, when you're facing criticism, resist the temptation to hide away, but stand up tall. Accept responsibility for your life and the things you CAN control, then react positively as a victor, not a victim. I know I need more of this in 2025.

3. Seek out others

Talking of hiding away, this can be all too easy to do when things don't go well. But having a regular team around you really helps to encourage you to reflect, see different perspectives and to have the accountability to take action.

A natural place for that is Conekto Pro, with our bi-weekly sessions every Monday morning and Friday afternoon. This is a great opportunity to share with others what you're working on, what your goals are and to receive encouragement and accountability to achieve them.

It can take a lot of courage to step out and ask for help. So many of us (and I include myself) are not naturally good at this. I know instinctively when I need to get some support for an issue. I might then procrastinate, delay, and end up waiting too long to make any useful decision. 

I will certainly try to overcome that this year and be more courageous at seeking out help as and when I need it.

You have to remember, as our Conekto Pro slogan says, "if you work on your own, you don't have to do it alone." Take that courageous next step and join a group in 2025.

4. Try something new

We are constantly overloaded with new systems, applications, technology and approaches in this age. That is not going to change anytime soon. However, it's all to easy to stick with what you know and to not learn to embrace new ways of doing things.

I remember encouraging someone from a business I was previously a director of, to embrace online cloud accounting. He had previously used multiple software, including spreadsheets, and other applications to manage the accounts, create invoices, chase payment, etc. I had been using Freeagent Accounting software for years at that point, and it had revolutionised managing my company accounts.

It took nearly ten years for this person to take up my advice, but when he did he found the same thing I did. It revolutionised his accounting process. He thanked me for persisting with encouraging him to make the switch.

Now, for you, it may not be your accounting software, but perhaps it could be AI software and automations. Again, to embrace new ideas and technology, be courageous. Especially if you've been used to working one way for years.

Can I encourage you in 2025 to try out something new. Do your research. Give it time, and you never know where it could lead.

5. Be true to yourself

I have found it difficult to be honest about my beliefs and opinions. As a Christian with very much right leaning views, I’ve often been the opposing view of the mainstream. The opposite of what you’d see on the BBC, Sky News, The Guardian, CNN, MSNBC etc.

Being courageous is standing up for what you believe despite the opposition. It’s what Jesus did, and He is the perfect example to follow, knowing that the outcome may not be initially favourable…but it’s the right thing to do.

We are living in times where there does seem to be some semblance of normalcy returning. The majority of the American public voted against the crazy, anti-reality views that the loud minority have managed to push through in the last few decades.

BUT…if you see yourself as a progressive, and are disappointed by the way the US elections went, you have every right to be courageous with your views too. Despite the tide very slowly turning, we need to be open to all views, not just stuck in our own echo chamber.

So in 2025, pluck up the courage to listen to opposing views before you share yours with the world. And I’m really preaching to myself here! as I need to hear this: Don’t hide your views when they are relevant to your business. Be courageous and speak out. Be true to yourself.

Final thoughts 

So to sum up, being courageous is not easy. Try to take calculated risks, accept that you will receive criticism, but don't be a victim. Be a victor. Remember you are not alone. Seek out help and accountability from others, and finally, try something new. Embrace new technology and ideas, instead of running from them. Speak out and be true to yourself. You never know what can happen!

I'd love to know what courageous decision are you intending to take in 2025? Drop it in the comments.

Richard Lalchan

Richard’s mission is to help you find clarity for your work and life. To walk along side you, encouraging you to go further, to be your biggest cheerleader, helping you stay accountable, set energising goals, and empowering you to achieve them.

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